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How To Overcome The Number One Obstacle That Threatens You Reaching Your Goals

How To Overcome The Number One Obstacle That Threatens You Reaching Your Goals

 How To Overcome The Number One Obstacle That Threatens You Reaching Your Goals
2000 years ago the Greatest Man who ever lived gave this analogy: ‘Who of you that wants to build a tower does not first sit down and calculate the expense, to see if he has enough to complete it? Otherwise he might lay its foundation but not be able to finish it, and all the onlookers might start to ridicule him…

“Yes this metaphor contains an important principle if you are to succeed seeing things through in order to achieve your goals. ‘Calculating the expense’ involves rationally and realistically appraising the true cost of such a venture before committing to action no matter whether the goal is large or small. Willingness to pay this ‘expenditure’ is a prerequisite… in fact it is the first necessary step you will need to take.

So what is this ‘true cost?

‘It is the price you will need to pay to make your goal a reality. This may involve a goodly measure of your time, along with mental, emotional, physical and financial reserves in enough supply to see you through the inevitable challenges that will arise along the way. All these need to be catered for and made readily available before they are needed, before you start working on attaining your goal. Yes your success has a price and you will have to pay.

This should not be a problem however, because the price you will have to pay would naturally be smaller than the benefits derived. So let us examine two important aspects.

First we will focus on the mental aspects because all realities start within our minds. Second we will focus on the importance that emotion plays because it provides the motivation.

If you were to climb a very tall mountain, does it not make sense to prepare appropriate mental emotional and physical resources beforehand in order to meet and equal any eventuality that may arise? Yes you definitely would, down to the smallest detail!

Have you ever heard the saying: ‘Its Not What You think You Are… but What You Think You Are?’ Yes,your thoughts on any subject is THE reality you allow your mind to accept. Unlike computers, we are able to self program. Our prejudices, hopes, aspirations and many other factors shape who we allow ourselves to become. High and low morals and standards do apply here. Which will we choose? No doubt you are aiming for self improvement when choosing your goals..

Therefore the natural place to start to make your goal/s a reality is in your mind. Try to imagine realistically the challenges and possible hardships, deprivations, blockages discouragements etc along the way. Decide that you will succeed. See yourself enjoying your success. Be prepared to counter obstacles. If you follow through with this procedure in your mind first you will be starting to take control expanding your usual everyday perspectives and experiences. The REAL you will be emerging! Improvements are sure to follow.

Keep it alive! Give it strength! Put more wood on your Fire! Focus firmly on the benefits you will enjoy when you get there. You will be empowered with renewed self esteem and confidence that onlookers will also notice and you will be ready for your next goal setting adventure, charting your own course.

The second important aspect is the part your figurative heart will play in reaching your goals. Your figurative heart is the source of emotions and desires. What does this mean in practical terms? Well in your mind you will see the logic of attaining your goal/s and the logic of not to allowing anything to distract and discourage but it is your heart that provides the motivation and desire to do so. But be careful because the heart can be fickle even treacherous.

A great possibility exists that our figurative heart could be distracted. It does this by rationalization. It will figure out excuses based on emotion as to why you should ‘not be so hard on yourself’ and reasons why you should ‘take it easy’ and ‘slow down you’re going too hard’ to the point of inaction.

If you let it.

OK.OK… it IS true that emergencies may happen with unforeseen occurrences along the way. In fact in our planning with our mind and logic we should make allowances for this. But these should never cause us to give up and abandon our goals. The decisions we make are also important and there will be more on this to picin a future article.

We may or may not need to attend to unforeseen events or situations. But life being what it is we need to show that we are not just helplessly drifting in a sea of uncertainties. We need to be actually steering an dusing the winds of change to get us where we need to go whenever possible.

Can we turn a stumbling stone into a stepping stone? Our attitude may often determine our altitude. Along the way we need to put forth our best effort and abilities that our circumstances will allow.

Do not let your heart tell you that the going is too difficult! Override your negative heart desires with the power of your mind. Restore it to its proper role of supplying the motivation needed to keep you moving forward in your desired direction. Do not allow it to steer you off course!

You may have realized by now that the ideal setting is for your heart and mind to be working together as a powerful team. This can be achieved only if we understand the roles the heart and the mind play. They are both important and necessary. Hopefully this article has helped you to do that to make it easier for you to achieve your goals..

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